



송윤주(Song, YoonJu) 프로필 이미지

송윤주 교수

Song, YoonJu






서울대학교에서 박사학위를 받고 미국과 중국에서 연구경력을 쌓았다. 주된 연구 분야는 한국성인의 식사요인과 대사질환과의 관련성을 살펴보는 것으로 지난 20년동안 총 120여편의 국내외 유수논문을 발표하였고, 대한비만학회, 대한당뇨병학회, 한국지질동맥경화학회에서 다수의 강연을 하였다. 
특히 식사요인 중, 여러가지 식사전략(간헐적단식, 저탄수화물 다이어트)과 비만 및 당뇨병과의 관련성을 주로 연구하고 있으며, 영양소 섭취와 관련해서는 첨가당 과잉섭취를 가당음료(sugar-sweetened beverage, SSB)와 인공감미음료(artificially-sweetened beverage, ASB) 섭취와 함께 건강지표와의 연관성을 연구하고 있으며, 연속혈당측정기를 통한 실시간 혈당반응에 영향을 주는 식사요인 규명하여 개인별 맞춤 식사전략을 제시하는 방향으로 연구를 진행하고 있다. 

Dr. YoonJu Song holds a Ph.D. from Seoul National University and has gained research experience in Korea, China. She specializes in the role of dietary factors in metabolic disease, including metabolic syndrome, obesity, and type 2 diabetes in Korean population. Over the past 20 years, approximately 120 prominent domestic and international papers have been published, and numerous presentations have been given at the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity, the Korean Diabetes Association, and the Korean Society of Lipid and Atherosclerosis. She is actively involved in several academic societies and has editorial experience with multiple journals.
In particular, among dietary factors, various dietary strategies (such as time-restricted eating as a type of intermittent fasting, low-carb diets) and their relationship with obesity and diabetes are primarily studied. Regarding nutrient intake, the consumption of added sugars has been explored with consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), artificially-sweetened beverages (ASBs).  Additionally, research is underway to identify dietary factors that influence real-time blood glucose responses through continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for individualized dietary recommendations.


2001.02.26 | 서울대학교 | 식품영양학과 | 이학박사


  • 2024.07 | 공동저자 | Diabetes and Metabolism Journal, 제48권 4호, pp.546-708
    2023 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes Management in Korea: Full Version Recommendation of the Korean Diabetes Association
  • 2023.08 | 교신저자 | NUTRIENTS, 제15권 16호
    Individual Postprandial Glycemic Responses to Meal Types by Different Carbohydrate Levels and Their Associations with Glycemic Variability Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring
  • 2023.02 | 교신저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 제62권 1호, pp.239-249
    High intakes of iodine among women during pregnancy and the postpartum period has no adverse effect on thyroid function
  • 2023.01 | 교신저자 | OBESITY FACTS, 제16권 1호, pp.69-81
    Early time-restricted eating reduces weight and improve glycemic response in young adults: a pre-post single-arm intervention study
  • 2022.05 | 공동저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제16권, pp.S21-S36
    Association of added sugar intake with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality: a systematic review of cohort studies
  • 2022.02 | 교신저자 | 대한지역사회영양학회지, 제27권 1호, pp.36-46
    한국 젊은 성인의 4주간 시간제한식사 개입에서 살펴본 가당음료 섭취 패턴과 체조성 변화량과의 비교 분석
  • 2021.09 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF OBESITY & METABOLIC SYNDROME, 제30권 3호, pp.222-232
    Low-carbohydrate diets in Korea: Why does it matter, and what is next?
  • 2021.07 | 교신저자 | NUTRIENTS, 제13권 7호
    The Effect of Four Weeks Dietary Intervention with 8-Hour Time-Restricted Eating on Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Young Adults
  • 2021.06 | 교신저자 | ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM, 제36권 3호, pp.607-618
    Evaluation of Iodine Status among Korean Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer Using Dietary and. Urinary Iodine
  • 2021.01 | 교신저자 | NUTRIENTS, 제13권 1호
    Dietary Fiber and Its Source Are Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Korean Adults
  • 2020.12 | 교신저자 | KOREAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION, 제20권 4호, pp.182-193
    저밀도 지단백 콜레스테롤 수준에 따른 탄수화물 섭취와 심혈관계질환 위험요인의 관련성
  • 2020.11 | 공동저자 | NUTRIENTS, 제12권 11호
    Association between Iron Intake and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes: Significance of Iron Intake and the Ratio between Iron Intake and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Intake
  • 2020.10 | 공동저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제14권 5호, pp.519-531
    Regional disparities in the associations of cardiometabolic risk factors and healthy dietary factors in Korean adults
  • 2020.08 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION JOURNAL, 제19권 1호
    A moderate-carbohydrate diet with plant protein is inversely associated with cardiovascular risk factors: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013-2017
  • 2020.06 | 교신저자 | Journal of Nutrition and Health, 제53권 3호, pp.271-287
    Revision of an iodine database for Korean foods and evaluation of dietary iodine and urinary iodine in Korean adults using 2013-2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  • 2019.12 | 교신저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 제58권 8호, pp.3279-3289
    Three types of a high-carbohydrate diet are differently associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in Korean adults
  • 2019.12 | 교신저자 | Journal of Nutrition and Health, 제52권 6호, pp.540-551
    고식이섬유 및 고탄수화물 섭취와 대사질환과의 연관성
  • 2019.11 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS, 제119권 11호, pp.1842-1842
    Frequency of Consumption of Whole Fruit, Not Fruit Juice, Is Associated with Reduced Prevalence of Obesity in Korean Adults
  • 2019.10 | 교신저자 | NUTRIENTS, 제11권 10호
    Associations of meal timing and frequency with obesity and metabolic syndrome among Korean adults
  • 2019.09 | 공동저자 | KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 제34권 5호, pp.1171-1171
    2018 Guidelines for the management of dyslipidemia in Korea (vol 34, pg 723, 2019)
  • 2019.08 | 교신저자 | Journal of Nutrition and Health, 제52권 4호, pp.354-368
    GL 예측모델 (estimated Glycemic Load, eGL)을 활용한 한국 성인의 식사 평가 및 대사질환 지표와의 연관성 연구 : 2013~2016년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 활용하여
  • 2019.07 | 공동저자 | KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 제34권 4호, pp.723-771
    2018 Guidelines for the management of dyslipidemia in Korea
  • 2019.02 | 교신저자 | DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 제148권, pp.254-261
    Inadequate fat or carbohydrate intake was associated with an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Korean adults: A 12-year community-based prospective cohort study
  • 2018.11 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, 제28권 11호, pp.1122-1132
    Low-carbohydrate diet and the risk of metabolic syndrome in Korean adults
  • 2018.09 | 교신저자 | YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 제59권 7호, pp.834-842
    High-Carbohydrate Diets and Food Patterns and Their Associations with Metabolic Disease in the Korean Population
  • 2018.06 | 교신저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 제72권 6호, pp.848-860
    Differential association of dietary carbohydrate intake with metabolic syndrome in the US and Korean adults: data from the 2007-2012 NHANES and KNHANES
  • 2018.02 | 공동저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제12권 1호, pp.78-84
    Awareness, knowledge, and use of folic acid among non-pregnant Korean women of childbearing age
  • 2017.12 | 공동저자 | BMC CANCER, 제17권
    Dietary supplement use among cancer survivors and the general population: a nation-wide cross-sectional study
  • 2017.10 | 공동저자 | NUTRIENTS, 제9권 10호
    Total Antioxidant Capacity from Dietary Supplement Decreases the Likelihood of Having Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults
  • 2017.08 | 교신저자 | 대한지역사회영양학회지, 제22권 4호, pp.347-355
    한국 성인의 성별에 따른 식이보충제 섭취 및 관련 요인에 대한 연구-제 4기 국민건강영양조사(2007-2009) 자료를 이용하여
  • 2017.04 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY, 제11권 2호, pp.338-347
    Dietary carbohydrate and fat intakes are differentially associated with lipid abnormalities in Korean adults
  • 2016.10 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제10권 5호, pp.537-545
    Dietary sugar intake and dietary behaviors in Korea: A pooled study of 2,599 children and adolescents aged 9-14 years
  • 2016.09 | 교신저자 | 식품과학과 산업, 제49권 3호, pp.2-11
    한국인의 당류 섭취현황과 만성질환에 미치는 영향
  • 2016.08 | 교신저자 | CLINICAL NUTRITION, 제35권 4호, pp.885-891
    Dyslipidemia patterns are differentially associated with dietary factors
  • 2016.08 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS, 제116권 8호, pp.1316-1322
    Dietary Supplement Use and Nutrient Intake among Children in South Korea
  • 2016.04 | 공동저자 | PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, 제19권 6호, pp.1112-1121
    Household food insufficiency is associated with dietary intake in Korean adults
  • 2016.04 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제10권 2호, pp.167-174
    Dietary evaluation of a low-iodine diet in Korean thyroid cancer patients preparing for radioactive iodine therapy in an iodine-rich region
  • 2016.02 | 교신저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 제70권 2호, pp.257-261
    The nutrition contribution of dietary supplements on total nutrient intake in children and adolescents
  • 2016.01 | 교신저자 | NUTRIENTS, 제8권 1호, pp.0-0
    Association of dietary sugars and sugar-sweetened beverage intake with obesity in Korean children and adolescents
  • 2015.11 | 교신저자 | METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL, 제64권 11호, pp.1477-1484
    Soft drink consumption is positively associated with metabolic syndrome risk factors only in Korean women: Data from the 2007-2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  • 2015.11 | 교신저자 | 대한갑상선학회지, 제8권 2호, pp.170-182
    한국인 상용식품의 요오드 데이터베이스 구축과 한국 성인의 요오드 섭취 실태 및 갑상선질환과의 연관성 연구
  • 2015.10 | 교신저자 | Clinical Nutrition Research, 제4권 4호, pp.267-271
    The Impact of Low Adherence to the Low-iodine Diet on the Efficacy of the Radioactive Iodine Ablation Therapy
  • 2015.10 | 공동저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제9권 5호, pp.554-562
    Low consumption of fruits and dairy foods is associated with metabolic syndrome in Korean adults from outpatient clinics in and near Seoul
  • 2015.06 | 교신저자 | Journal of Nutrition and Health, 제48권 3호, pp.228-235
    남자 청소년의 식행동 패턴에 따른 간식 섭취, 생활 습관 요인 및 비만과의 연관성연구*
  • 2015.06 | 공동저자 | ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 제24권 2호, pp.308-315
    Improvement in the technological feasibility of a web-based dietary survey system in local settings
  • 2015.04 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제9권 2호, pp.199-206
    Three clustering patterns among metabolic syndrome risk factors and their associations with dietary factors in Korean adolescents: based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2007-2010
  • 2015.02 | 교신저자 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 제113권 3호, pp.479-487
    Metabolic syndrome risk factors are associated with white rice intake in Korean adolescent girls and boys
  • 2014.12 | 제1저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제8권 6호, pp.705-712
    Relationship between adhering to dietary guidelines and the risk of obesity in Korean children
  • 2014.07 | 공동저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 제68권, pp.804-810
    Dietary supplement use and its effect on nutrient intake in Korean adult population in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey IV (2007-2009) data
  • 2014.06 | 교신저자 | Journal of Nutrition and Health, 제47권 3호, pp.186-192
    우리나라 청소년의 고탄수화물 식사와 고지방 식사가 대사증후군 위험요인에 미치는 영향: 1998~2009년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여
  • 2014.05 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH, 제34권, pp.383-390
    Three distinct clustering patterns in metabolic syndrome abnormalities are differentially associated with dietary factors in Korean adults
  • 2014.01 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS, 제114권, pp.54-62
    Carbohydrate Intake and Refined-Grain Consumption Are Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in the Korean Adult Population
  • 2013.12 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT AND MINORITY HEALTH, 제15권 6호, pp.1119-1124
    Osteoporosis and Milk Intake Among Korean Women in California: Relationship with Acculturation to US Lifestyle
  • 2013.12 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH, 제46권 6호, pp.531-539
    어머니의 대사증후군 상태에 따른 청소년 자녀의 대사위험지표 및식생활 요인에 대한 연구: 2007~2010년국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여*
  • 2013.10 | 공동저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH, 제33권, pp.789-795
    Association of adherence to the seventh report of the Joint National Committee guidelines with hypertension in Korean men and women
  • 2013.09 | 공동저자 | KOREAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION, 제13권 3호, pp.107-115
    웹 기반 식사 조사 프로그램 ‘Diet Evaluation System (DES)’의 개발과 지역사회 영양조사에서 적용가능성 시험
  • 2013.09 | 교신저자 | DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 제101권, pp.E21-E24
    Adherence to lifestyle recommendations is associated with improved glycemic control and improved blood lipid levels in Korean adults with type 2 diabetes
  • 2013.02 | 공동저자 | WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 제19권 7호, pp.1020-1029
    Consumption of red and processed meat and esophageal cancer risk: Meta-analysis
  • 2013.02 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH, 제46권 1호, pp.61-71
    우리나라 성인의 인슐린 저항성과 관련된 영양소 및 식품군 섭취: 제 4기 국민건강영양조사 자료를 활용하여*
  • 2012.12 | 교신저자 | DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 제98권 3호, pp.28-31
    High intake of whole grains and beans pattern is inversely associated with insulin resistance in healthy Korean adult population
  • 2012.08 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제6권 4호, pp.349-356
    Dietary patterns based on carbohydrate nutrition are associated with the risk for diabetes and dyslipidemia
  • 2012.06 | 제1저자 | METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL, 제61권 6호, pp.883-890
    A fruit and dairy dietary pattern is associated with a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome
  • 2012.05 | 공동저자 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, 제106권 11호, pp.1881-1890
    Alcohol intake and renal cell cancer risk: A meta-analysis
  • 2012.05 | 제1저자 | NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, 제22권 5호, pp.456-462
    A traditional Korean dietary pattern and metabolic syndrome abnormalities
  • 2012.04 | 공동저자 | KOREAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, 제55권 4호, pp.128-135
    Dietary patterns and metabolic syndrome risk factors among adolescents
  • 2012.02 | 교신저자 | 한국영양학회지, 제45권 1호, pp.80-93
    한국인 상용 식품의 혈당지수 (Glycemic Index) 추정치를 활용한 한국 성인의 식사혈당지수 산출*
  • 2012.02 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH, 제32권 2호, pp.100-106
    High carbohydrate intake was inversely associated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol among Korean adults
  • 2011.12 | 교신저자 | NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 제5권 6호, pp.569-577
    Dietary patterns are associated with physical growth among school girls aged 9-11 years
  • 2011.12 | 교신저자 | 생활과학연구논집, 제31권 1호, pp.54-65
    일부 초등학생의 비만도에 따른 식이 및 심리적 요인에 대한 연구
  • 2011.09 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 제26권 9호, pp.1201-1208
    Association between Dietary Patterns and Blood Lipid Profiles in Korean Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
  • 2011.06 | 공동저자 | 대한소아소화기영양학회지, 제14권 2호, pp.161-170
    한국 유아의 영양 섭취 현황: 2007∼2009년 국민건강영양조사를 바탕으로
  • 2011.04 | 교신저자 | 한국영양학회지, 제44권 2호, pp.152-161
    우리나라 성인의 식사패턴 변화 추세 - 1998, 2001, 2005년도 국민건강영양조사자료를 이용하여 -
  • 2010.12 | 공동저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 제0권 0호, pp.1-9
    Gender modifies the relationship between social networks and smoking among adults in Seoul, South Korea
  • 2010.09 | 단독 | 주간건강과질병, 제3권 36호, pp.597-602
    우리나라의 외식경향 조사분석 -제4기 국민건강영양조사를 중심으로(2007,2008년)-
  • 2010.09 | 공동저자 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 제104권 5호, pp.709-715
    Overnight urinary excretion of isoflavones as an indicator for dietary isoflavone intake in Korean girls of pubertal age
  • 2010.08 | 교신저자 | 한국식생활문화학회지, 제25권 4호, pp.480-486
    우리나라 성인의 비타민·무기질 보충제 섭취여부에 따른 인구·사회학적, 생활습관 및 영양섭취상태에 관한 연구
  • 2010.01 | 제1저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY, 제34권, pp.48-56
    Secular trends in dietary patterns and obesity-related risk factors in Korean adolescents aged 10-19 years
  • 2009.12 | 제1저자 | 대한지역사회영양학회지, 제14권 6호, pp.722-733
    군집분석과 요인분석 이용한 우리나라 성인의 식사패턴 비교 분석 -2005년도 국민건강영양조사 자료 이용하여
  • 2021.08 | 공동 | 라이프사이언스
  • 2019.01 | 공동 | KNOU Press(한국방송통신대학교출판문화원)
  • 2016.05 | 공동 | 파워북
    (건강을 위한) 식생활과 영양
  • 2013.03 | 공동 | 양서원
  • 2013.03 | 공동 | 교문사