



조용연(Cho, Yong Yeon) 프로필 이미지

조용연 교수

Cho, Yong Yeon


암발생 및 항암제내성 관련 인자의 안정성 조절


암발생 항암제내성 단백질간상호작용 유비퀴틴화 안정성조절


조용연 교수는 가톨릭대학교 약학대학 약품생화학연구실 교수이며, 조절세포사 제어·물질연구소 소장이며, 현재 약학대학 학장이다. 충남대학교 생명과학대학 생물학과에서 학사, 석사학위를 취득하고, 일본 동북대학교에서 박사학위를 받았다. 한국생명공학연구원 발생공학연구실에서의 연구원, 식품의약품안전처의 국립독성연구소 일반독성과에서의 보건연구사를 역임하였다. 미국 미네소타대학 홈멜연구소에서 박사후연수과정 연구원 및 연구조교수를 역임하였고, 2011년부터 가톨릭대학교 약학대학에서 암에 대한 단백질 안정성 조절 연구와 후학을 양성하고 있다. 박사 후 2024년 2월 현재까지 163편의 논문을 국제 저명 저널에 발표하였고, 논문의 총 인용지수가 10,000회 이상을 기록하고, 총 IF가 1,000 점을 상회하는 국제적으로 높은 인지도를 가진 연구자이다.
Professor Yong-Yeon Cho  is a faculty member of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry at the College of Pharmacy and The Catholic University of Korea, Executive director of the Regulated Cell Death (RCD) Control·Materials Research Institute, and currently serves as the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, The Catholic University of Korea. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the Department of Biology, College of Life Science, Chungnam National University, and received his Ph. D. from Tohoku University in Japan. He has worked as a researcher at the Developmental Engineering Laboratory of the KRIBB, and a government researcher in the KFDA. Dr. Cho held postdoctoral and Research Assistant Professor positions at the Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, USA. Since 2011, he has been at the Catholic University College of Pharmacy, conducting research on protein stability regulation in cancer and mentoring the next generation of scientists. As of February 2024, he has published 163 papers in internationally renowned journals, with a total citation count exceeding 10,000 and a total Impact Factor (IF) surpassing 1,000, making him a researcher of international renown.


2000.03.23 | 일본 동북대학교 | 환경수복생물공학, 응용유전자공학 | 박사


  • 2024.09 | 공동저자 | ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY REVIEWS, 제212권
    Selective delivery of imaging probes and therapeutics to the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus: Current strategies and beyond
  • 2024.07 | 공동저자 | MACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE, 제24권 7호
    Beyond Nanoparticle-Based Intracellular Drug Delivery: Cytosol/Organelle-Targeted Drug Release and Therapeutic Synergism
  • 2024.06 | 공동저자 | BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE, 제12권 12호, pp.3045-3067
    Beyond nanoparticle-based oral drug delivery: transporter-mediated absorption and disease targeting
  • 2024.04 | 교신저자 | CELL DEATH & DISEASE, 제15권 4호
    ELK3 destabilization by speckle-type POZ protein suppresses prostate cancer progression and docetaxel resistance
  • 2024.04 | 교신저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제14권 1호
    Ribosomal S6 kinase 2-forkhead box protein O4 signaling pathway plays an essential role in melanogenesis
  • 2024.03 | 교신저자 | EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 제56권 3호, pp.686-699
    Dysregulated CREB3 cleavage at the nuclear membrane induces karyoptosis-mediated cell death
  • 2024.03 | 공동저자 | MARINE DRUGS, 제22권 3호
    Induction of Autophagy by Extract from Corydalis heterocarpa for Skin Anti-Aging
  • 2024.02 | 공동저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제47권 2호, pp.111-126
    Comparative metabolism of aschantin in human and animal hepatocytes
  • 2024.01 | 공동저자 | TOXICOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 제40권 1호, pp.125-137
    Comparative metabolism of fargesin in human, dog, monkey, mouse, and rat hepatocytes
    Molecular Mechanisms for the Regulation of Nuclear Membrane Integrity
  • 2023.09 | 공동저자 | FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, 제179권
    Toxicokinetics and tissue distribution of phalloidin in mice
  • 2023.06 | 공동저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제46권 6호, pp.500-534
    Beyond DNA sensing: expanding the role of cGAS/STING in immunity and diseases
  • 2023.06 | 공동저자 | BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 제162권
    Regnase-1 plays an essential role in maintaining skin immune homeostasis via regulation of chemokine expression
  • 2023.04 | 공동저자 | Molecular & Cellular Toxicology, 제19권 2호, pp.395-402
    Stable expression of human Nav1.5 for high-throughput cardiac safety assessment
  • 2023.03 | 공동저자 | BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, 제31권 2호, pp.168-175
    Tramadol as a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Blocker of Peripheral Sodium Channels Nav1.7 and Nav1.5
  • 2023.03 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF GINSENG RESEARCH, 제47권 2호, pp.337-346
    Ginsenoside Rb2 suppresses cellular senescence of human dermal fibroblasts by inducing autophagy
  • 2023.03 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 제99권 2호, pp.344-355
    Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure and its Impacts on Cutaneous Phosphorylation Signaling in Carcinogenesis: Focusing on Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases(dagger)
  • 2023.01 | 공동저자 | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 제456권
    e-Poly(L-lysine)-based bioreducible nanogels for mitochondria-targeted delivery and release: Hydrophobicity-tuned nucleus-to-mitochondria organelle-targeting switch and slow disulfide cleavage
    Novel wiring of the AKT-RSK2 signaling pathway plays an essential role in cancer cell proliferation via a G<inf>1</inf>/S cell cycle transition
  • 2023.01 | 교신저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제46권 1호, pp.44-58
    MEKs/ERKs-mediated FBXO1/E2Fs interaction interference modulates G(1)/S cell cycle transition and cancer cell proliferation
    Inflammasomes and their roles in arthritic disease pathogenesis
  • 2022.09 | 공동저자 | BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS
    Loganin Prevents Hepatic Steatosis by Blocking NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation
  • 2022.04 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제14권 4호
    Toxicokinetics of β-Amanitin in Mice and In Vitro Drug–Drug Interaction Potential
  • 2022.01 | 교신저자 | EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 제54권 1호, pp.35-46
    FBXW7-mediated ERK3 degradation regulates the proliferation of lung cancer cells
  • 2022.01 | 공동저자 | BIOMATERIALS, 제280권
    Beyond hydrophilic polymers in amphiphilic polymer-based self-assembled NanoCarriers: Small hydrophilic carboxylate-capped disulfide drug delivery system and its multifunctionality and multispatial targetability
    Kaempferol sensitizes cell proliferation inhibition in oxaliplatin-resistant colon cancer cells
  • 2021.11 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A, 제84권 22호, pp.922-931
    Topical application of celastrol alleviates atopic dermatitis symptoms mediated through the regulation of thymic stromal lymphopoietin and group 2 innate lymphoid cells
  • 2021.11 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICALS, 제14권 11호
    Rig-i deficiency promotes obesity-induced insulin resistance
  • 2021.10 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A, 제84권 20호, pp.821-835
    Pharmacokinetics of α-amanitin in mice using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry and in vitro drug–drug interaction potentials
  • 2021.09 | 교신저자 | 대한암예방학회지, 제26권 3호, pp.174-182
    F-box Protein βTrCP1 Is a Substrate of Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase 2
  • 2021.03 | 공동저자 | CELLS, 제10권 3호
    Oxidized Phospholipids in Tumor Microenvironment Stimulate Tumor Metastasis via Regulation of Autophagy
  • 2021.02 | 교신저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 제22권 4호, pp.1-18
    Fargesin inhibits egf-induced cell transformation and colon cancer cell growth by suppression of CDK2/cyclin E signaling pathway
  • 2021.02 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제13권 2호
    Tetrahydrofurofuranoid lignans, eudesmin, fargesin, epimagnolin a, magnolin, and yangambin inhibit UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and 1A3 activities in human liver microsomes
  • 2021.02 | 공동저자 | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 제31권 6호
    Disrupting the Redox Balance with a Diselenide Drug Delivery System: Synergistic or Antagonistic?
  • 2021.02 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제26권 4호
    Loganin alleviates gout in ammation by suppressing NLRP3 in ammasome activation and mitochondrial damage
  • 2021.02 | 공동저자 | FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 제11권
    Regulation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome by Post-Translational Modifications and Small Molecules
  • 2021.01 | 공동저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제44권 1호, pp.16-35
    Therapeutic regulation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in chronic inflammatory diseases
  • 2020.11 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제12권 11호, pp.1-18
    Inhibitory effect of AB-PINACA, indazole carboxamide synthetic cannabinoid, on human major drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters
  • 2020.09 | 교신저자 | EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 제52권 9호, pp.1526-1536
    Stat2 stability regulation: an intersection between immunity and carcinogenesis
  • 2020.09 | 공동저자 | BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, 제28권 5호, pp.437-442
    Repurposing Auranofin, an Anti-Rheumatic Gold Compound, to Treat Acne Vulgaris by Targeting the NLRP3 Inflammasome
    Mitochondria-targeted drug delivery in cancers
  • 2020.07 | 공동저자 | ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, 제72권 7호, pp.1192-1202
    Direct Binding to NLRP3 Pyrin Domain as a Novel Strategy to Prevent NLRP3-Driven Inflammation and Gouty Arthritis
  • 2020.06 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제12권 6호
    Effects of Decomplexation Rates on Ternary Gene Complex Transfection with alpha-Poly(L-Lysine) or epsilon-Poly(L-Lysine) as a Decomplexation Controller in An Easy-To-Transfect Cell or A Hard-To-Transfect Cell
    Sweroside Prevents Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis by Suppressing Activation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome
    Skin Barrier Abnormalities and Immune Dysfunction in Atopic Dermatitis
  • 2020.03 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제12권 3호
    Mertansine inhibits mRNA expression and enzyme activities of cytochrome P450s and uridine 5′-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferases in human hepatocytes and liver microsomes
  • 2020.03 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제25권 5호
    Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of doxorubicin and its metabolites doxorubicinol, doxorubicinone, doxorubicinolone, and 7-deoxydoxorubicinone in mouse plasma
    FBXW7-mediated stability regulation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 in melanoma formation
    Controlling complexation/decomplexation and sizes of polymer-based electrostatic pDNA polyplexes is one of the key factors in effective transfection
  • 2019.08 | 공동저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제9권
    Inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome in tumor microenvironment leads to suppression of metastatic potential of cancer cells
  • 2019.08 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제24권 16호
    In vitro inhibitory effects of APINACA on human major cytochrome P450, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzymes, and drug transporters
  • 2019.07 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제11권 7호
    Identification of catalposide metabolites in human liver and intestinal preparations and characterization of the relevant sulfotransferase, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, and carboxylesterase enzymes
  • 2019.07 | 교신저자 | MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS, 제58권 7호, pp.1221-1233
    Epimagnolin targeting on an active pocket of mammalian target of rapamycin suppressed cell transformation and colony growth of lung cancer cells
  • 2019.06 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제24권 11호
    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate prevents acute gout by suppressing NLRP3 inflammasome activation and mitochondrial DNA synthesis
  • 2019.05 | 공동저자 | CELLS, 제8권 5호
    NDRG2 Sensitizes Myeloid Leukemia to Arsenic Trioxide via GSK3-NDRG2-PP2A Complex Formation
    RSK2-Mediated ELK3 Activation Enhances Cell Transformation and Breast Cancer Cell Growth by Regulation of c-fos Promoter Activity
  • 2019.02 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제24권 4호
    In Vitro Metabolism of 25B-NBF, 2-(4-Bromo-2, 5-Dimethoxyphenyl)-N-(2-Fluorobenzyl)ethanamine, in Human Hepatocytes Using Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
  • 2019.01 | 교신저자 | MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS, 제58권 1호, pp.88-101
    Magnolin targeting of ERK1/2 inhibits cell proliferation and colony growth by induction of cellular senescence in ovarian cancer cells
  • 2018.12 | 공동저자 | PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH, 제32권 12호, pp.2551-2559
    Licochalcone A attenuates acne symptoms mediated by suppression of NLRP3 inflammasome
  • 2018.10 | 공동저자 | ONCOGENE, 제37권 42호, pp.5633-5647
    Targeting PRPK and TOPK for skin cancer prevention and therapy
  • 2018.10 | 공동저자 | ACTA PHARMACEUTICA SINICA B, 제8권 6호, pp.862-880
    Mitochondria-targeting drug conjugates for cytotoxic, anti-oxidizing and sensing purposes: current strategies and future perspectives
  • 2018.10 | 공동저자 | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 제28권 40호, pp.201801918-201801918
    Efficient Transdermal Delivery of DNA Nanostructures Alleviates Atopic Dermatitis Symptoms in NC/Nga Mice
    Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases as Potential Regulators of STAT3 Signaling
  • 2018.08 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 제64권, pp.300-310
    Dual-functionalized calcium nanocomplexes for transfection of cancerous and stem cells: Low molecular weight polycation-mediated colloidal stability and ATP-mediated endosomal release
    Simultaneous quantification of 18 saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and 7 sterols as their tert-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives in human saliva using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • 2018.08 | 교신저자 | 약 학 회 지, 제62권 4호, pp.226-236
    Effect of DA-9801 on the Expression of Drug-metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters in Human Hepatocytes
  • 2018.08 | 공동저자 | FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY, 제9권
    Mitochondrial-targeting anticancer agent conjugates and nanocarrier systems for cancer treatment
  • 2018.07 | 공동저자 | BIOMACROMOLECULES, 제19권 7호, pp.2483-2495
    Effects of the Physicochemical, Colloidal, and Biological Characteristics of Different Polymer Structures between α-Poly(l -lysine) and ϵ-Poly(l -lysine) on Polymeric Gene Delivery
  • 2018.04 | 교신저자 | RHEUMATOLOGY, 제57권 4호, pp.727-736
    Suppression of NLRP3 inflammasome by oral treatment with sulforaphane alleviates acute gouty inflammation
  • 2018.04 | 공동저자 | RHEUMATOLOGY, 제57권 4호, pp.727-736
    Suppression of NLRP3 inflammasome by oral treatment with sulforaphane alleviates acute gouty inflammation
  • 2018.03 | 교신저자 | CELL DEATH & DISEASE, 제9권 3호, pp.401-401
    Kaempferol targeting on the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3-ribosomal S6 kinase 2 signaling axis prevents the development of rheumatoid arthritis
  • 2018.08 | 공동저자 | DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS, 제10권 8호, pp.1328-1335
    Targeted and non-targeted metabolite identification of MAM-2201 in human, mouse, and rat hepatocytes
  • 2017.11 | 단독 | CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN, 제23권 29호, pp.4247-4258
    Molecular Targeting of ERKs/RSK2 Signaling in Cancers
  • 2017.09 | 공동저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제7권
    Endogenous omega-3 Fatty Acid Production by fat-1 Transgene and Topically Applied Docosahexaenoic Acid Protect against UVB-induced Mouse Skin Carcinogenesis
  • 2017.04 | 공동저자 | CELL DEATH & DISEASE, 제8권
    Extracellular cystatin SN and cathepsin B prevent cellular senescence by inhibiting abnormal glycogen accumulation
  • 2017.03 | 단독 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제40권 3호, pp.291-303
    RSK2 and its binding partners in cell proliferation, transformation and cancer development
  • 2017.02 | 공동저자 | FASEB JOURNAL, 제31권 2호, pp.625-635
    Loss-of-function screens of druggable targetome against cancer stem-like cells
  • 2017.01 | 공동저자 | DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS, 제32권 1호, pp.59-59
  • 2017.01 | 교신저자 | MOLECULES, 제32권 1호, pp.56-56
  • 2016.09 | 공동저자 | BIOPHARMACEUTICS & DRUG DISPOSITION, 제37권 6호, pp.352-365
    Effects of poloxamer 407-induced hyperlipidemia on hepatic multidrug resistance protein 2 (Mrp2/Abcc2) and the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid in rats
  • 2016.07 | 공동저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제6권
    Cardiac glycosides display selective efficacy for STK11 mutant lung cancer
  • 2016.05 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제21권 5호
    Inhibitory effects of aschantin on cytochrome P450 and uridine 5′-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase enzyme activities in human liver microsomes
  • 2016.03 | 공동저자 | AUTOPHAGY, 제12권 1호, pp.1-222
    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition).
  • 2016.03 | 공동저자 | CANCER RESEARCH, 제76권 5호, pp.1146-1157
    Herbacetin Is a Novel Allosteric Inhibitor of Ornithine Decarboxylase with Antitumor Activity
  • 2016.02 | 공동저자 | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 제470권 2호, pp.294-299
    Kazinol-E is a specific inhibitor of ERK that suppresses the enrichment of a breast cancer stem-like cell population
  • 2015.12 | 공동저자 | CARCINOGENESIS, 제36권 12호, pp.1580-1589
    The retinoic acid derivative, ABPN, inhibits pancreatic cancer through induction of Nrdp1
  • 2015.11 | 교신저자 | CARCINOGENESIS, 제36권 11호, pp.1372-1380
    Genetic ablation of caspase-7 promotes solar-simulated light-induced mouse skin carcinogenesis: the involvement of keratin-17
  • 2015.10 | 교신저자 | CARCINOGENESIS, 제36권 10호, pp.1223-1234
    Aschantin targeting on the kinase domain of mammalian target of rapamycin suppresses epidermal growth factor-induced neoplastic cell transformation
  • 2015.09 | 교신저자 | 대한암예방학회지, 제20권 3호, pp.165-171
    Molecular Targeting of ERKs/RSK2 Signaling Axis in Cancer Prevention
  • 2015.09 | 공동저자 | BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS, 제15권 17호, pp.3075-3086
    Proteomic analysis of secreted proteins by human bronchial epithelial cells in response to cadmium toxicity
  • 2015.08 | 교신저자 | BMC CANCER, 제15권
    Magnolin inhibits cell migration and invasion by targeting the ERKs/RSK2 signaling pathway
  • 2015.02 | 공동저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제38권, pp.171-177
    "Metabolism-mediated drug interaction potential of HS-23, a new herbal drug for the treatment of sepsis in human hepatocytes and liver microsomes"
  • 2014.11 | 제1저자 | DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY, 제8권 0호, pp.2137-2145
    Effect of honokiol on the induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes in human hepatocytes
  • 2014.11 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 제0권 00호, pp.0000-0000
    Isoliquiritigenin Induces Apoptosis and Inhibits Xenograft Tumor Growth of Human Lung Cancer Cells by Targeting Both Wildtype and L858R/T790M Mutant EGFR
  • 2014.09 | 공동저자 | BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, 제22권 5호, pp.426-430
    Resveratrol inhibits IL-6-induced transcriptional activity of AR and STAT3 in human prostate cancer LNCaP-FGC cells
  • 2014.09 | 교신저자 | 대한암예방학회지 (Journal of Cancer Prevention), 제19권 3호, pp.199-208
    Fibroblast and Epidermal Growth Factors Utilize Different Signaling Pathways to Induce Anchorage-independent Cell Transformation in JB6 Cl41 Mouse Skin Epidermal Cells
  • 2014.07 | 공동저자 | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS, 제3권 7호, pp.1007-1014
    Nucleotides as nontoxic endogenous endosomolytic agents in drug delivery
  • 2014.07 | 공동저자 | BIOPHARMACEUTICS & DRUG DISPOSITION, 제35권 5호, pp.264-274
    Pharmacokinetics of tolbutamide and its metabolite 4-hydroxy tolbutamide in poloxamer 407-induced hyperlipidemic rats
  • 2014.07 | 공동저자 | STEM CELL RESEARCH, 제13권 1호, pp.1-11
    ERK1 phosphorylates Nanog to regulate protein stability and stem cell self-renewal
  • 2014.02 | 교신저자 | CARCINOGENESIS, 제35권 2호, pp.432-441
    Targeting of magnolin on ERKs inhibits Ras/ERKs/RSK2-signaling-mediated neoplastic cell transformation
  • 2014.01 | 공동저자 | STEM CELL RESEARCH, 제12권 1호, pp.139-152
    JNK1 and 2 play a negative role in reprogramming to pluripotent stem cells by suppressing Klf4 activity
  • 2013.11 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 제16권 4호, pp.648-656
    Pharmacokinetics of a cytochrome P450 2E1 probe, chlorzoxazone, and its 6-hydroxy metabolite in poloxamer 407-induced hyperlipidemic rats
  • 2013.10 | 교신저자 | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 제440권 1호, pp.112-118
    RSK2-induced stress tolerance enhances cell survival signals mediated by inhibition of GSK3β activity
  • 2013.09 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제18권 9호, pp.10681-10693
    Effect of honokiol on cytochrome P450 and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzyme activities in human liver microsomes
  • 2013.08 | 교신저자 | FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, 제3 AUG권 0호, pp.0-0
    A rising cancer prevention target of RSK2 in human skin cancer
  • 2013.04 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE, 제126권 8호, pp.1744-1752
    Tumor suppressor p16INK4A inhibits cancer cell growth by downregulating eEF1A2 through a direct interaction
  • 2013.04 | 제1저자 | CANCER RESEARCH, 제73권 7호, pp.2181-2188
    Sunlight UV-Induced Skin Cancer Relies upon Activation of the p38 alpha Signaling Pathway
  • 2013.02 | 제1저자 | PLOS ONE, 제8권 2호
    Autophagy and Cellular Senescence Mediated by Sox2 Suppress Malignancy of Cancer Cells
  • 2013.01 | 공동저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제36권, pp.1-5
    Evaluation of DA-9801, a new herbal drug for diabetic neuropathy, on metabolism-mediated interaction
  • 2012.12 | 제1저자 | CARCINOGENESIS, 제33권 12호, pp.2529-2537
    RSK2 as a key regulator in human skin cancer
  • 2012.08 | 공동저자 | MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY, 제367권 1-2호, pp.85-92
    TPA-induced cell transformation provokes a complex formation between Pin1 and 90 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 2
  • 2012.06 | 공동저자 | CANCER RESEARCH, 제72권 12호, pp.3060-3068
    Novel TOPK Inhibitor HI-TOPK-032 Effectively Suppresses Colon Cancer Growth
  • 2012.04 | 공동저자 | ONCOGENE, 제31권 14호, pp.1835-1844
    Rack1 protects N-terminal phosphorylated c-Jun from Fbw7-mediated degradation
  • 2012.03 | 공동저자 | NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 제19권 3호, pp.283-38
    ERK1 and ERK2 regulate embryonic stem cell self-renewal through phosphorylation of Klf4
    A novel role of brain-type ACS4 isotype in neuronal differentiation
  • 2012.02 | 공동저자 | CARCINOGENESIS, 제33권 2호, pp.459-465
    Quercetin-3-methyl ether suppresses proliferation of mouse epidermal JB6 P+ cells by targeting ERKs
  • 2011.11 | 공동저자 | CANCER PREVENTION RESEARCH, 제4권 11호, pp.1842-1851
    (3-Chloroacetyl)-indole, a Novel Allosteric AKT Inhibitor, Suppresses Colon Cancer Growth In Vitro and In Vivo
  • 2011.10 | 공동저자 | PIGMENT CELL & MELANOMA RESEARCH, 제24권 5호, pp.922-931
    Embryonic stem-cell-preconditioned microenvironment induces loss of cancer cell properties in human melanoma cells
  • 2011.08 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 제286권 34호, pp.29601-29609
    T-LAK Cell-originated Protein Kinase (TOPK) Phosphorylation of MKP1 Protein Prevents Solar Ultraviolet Light-induced Inflammation through Inhibition of the p38 Protein Signaling Pathway
  • 2011.08 | 공동저자 | CANCER PREVENTION RESEARCH, 제4권 8호, pp.1190-1197
    Lapatinib, a Preventive/Therapeutic Agent against Mammary Cancer, Suppresses RTK-Mediated Signaling through Multiple Signaling Pathways
  • 2011.07 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 제286권 30호, pp.26628-26637
    Phosphorylation of Histone H2B Serine 32 Is Linked to Cell Transformation
  • 2011.06 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 제286권 25호, pp.22291-22299
    Phosphorylation of Caspase-7 by p21-activated Protein Kinase (PAK) 2 Inhibits Chemotherapeutic Drug-induced Apoptosis of Breast Cancer Cell Lines
  • 2011.06 | 공동저자 | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 제409권 4호, pp.792-798
    Human papillomavirus 16E6 suppresses major histocompatibility complex class I by upregulating lymphotoxin expression in human cervical cancer cells
  • 2011.03 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 제286권 9호, pp.6946-6954
    Phosphorylation of Caspase-8 (Thr-263) by Ribosomal S6 Kinase 2 (RSK2) Mediates Caspase-8 Ubiquitination and Stability
  • 2011.01 | 공동저자 | CANCER RESEARCH, 제71권 2호, pp.393-403
    Phosphorylation of H2AX at Ser139 and a New Phosphorylation Site Ser16 by RSK2 Decreases H2AX Ubiquitination and Inhibits Cell Transformation
  • 2011.01 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 제286권 3호, pp.2057-2066
    Eriodictyol Inhibits RSK2-ATF1 Signaling and Suppresses EGF-induced Neoplastic Cell Transformation
  • 2023.01 | 공동 | 월드사이언스
    (레닌저) 생화학(하)
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    (레닌저) 생화학(상)
  • 2021.05 | 단독 | 신일서적
    (콤파스) 생화학
  • 2020.01 | 공동 | 월드사이언스
    암의 분자생물학 : 기전, 표적, 치료
  • 2019.02 | 공동 | 월드사이언스
    레닌저 핵심 생화학
  • 2018.08 | 단독 | 신일서적
    (콤파스) 분자생물학 : 신약·개인맞춤형 의료를 향하여
  • 2018.02 | 공동 | 월드사이언스
    (레닌저) 생화학 (하)
  • 2018.02 | 공동 | 월드사이언스
    (레닌저) 생화학 (상)
  • 2016.09 | 단독 | 신일서적(주)
    마우스 실험의 기초지식
  • 2015.10 | 공동 | 신일서적(주)
    약품생화학분자생물학 총정리
  • 2013.06 | 단독 | 신일북스
    (컬러 일러스트로 배우는) 집중강의 생화학
  • 2020.10.27 | 공동발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    엽산 수용체 표적능 및 엔도솜막 분해능을 갖는 엽산-폴리(입실론-카프로락톤)-엽산 고분자 및 이의 용도(folic acid-poly(ε-caprolactone)-folic acid which has folate receptor targeting and endosomolytic activity, and use thereof)
  • 2018.10.22 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    키다마이신을 유효성분으로 함유하는 삼중음성 유방암 예방 또는 치료용 조성물(Composition for preventing or treating triple negative breast cancer comprising kidamycin)
  • 2018.10.19 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단,한국생명공학연구원
    키다마이신 유도체 L1-95-1 및 이를 유효성분으로 함유하는 암 예방 또는 치료용 조성물(Kidamycin derivatives L1-95-1 and composition for preventing or treating cancer comprising the same)
  • 2016.02.26 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    Sox2를 유효성분으로 함유하는 대장암 예방 또는 치료용 약학조성물(Pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating colon cancer containing Sox2)
가톨릭대학교 약학대학 약품생화학연구실은 암의 발생과 항암 과정에서 일어나는 신호전달 네트워크와 단백질간 상호작용에 관한 연구를 진행하여 왔다. 본 연구실은 특별히 단백질 안정성 조절과 세포의 암화 및 항암제 내성 간의 상관관계를 파악하는 최신의 연구를 수행하고 있다. 이 과정에서 암과 관련된 유전자 전사인자들의 안정성 조절 기전을 규명하는 과정에서 CREB3 단백질에 관심을 갖게 되었고, CREB3-FL로부터 파생되는 자연적 생산물인 CREB3-CF의 기능을 관찰하던 중 이전에 관찰하지 못했던 현상, 즉 “캐리옵토시스”를 발견하였다. CREB3-CF 과발현만으로 핵 모양의 현격한 변화와 핵의 파열을 관찰하였고, 기존 학설과 달리 CREB3 단백질이 핵 내막에 국재화 됨을 관찰하고 여러 분자생물학, 세포생물학 및 생화학적 방법으로 검증하였다. 이것이 “캐리옵토시스” 발견의 배경이다.
캐리옵토시스(karyoptosis)라는 용어는 2018년 영국 런던에 있는 King’s College의 Manolis Fanto 교수에 의해 처음으로 언급되었다. Manolis Fanto 교수는 퇴행성 뇌질환 환자에서 만성적으로 오토퍼지가 억제되면서 핵막의 이상과 지놈의 유출을 발견하고 이를 “캐리옵토시스”라고 명명하였다. 하지만 캐리옵토시스의 원인 유전자 및 단백질이 무엇인지, 어떤 분자 기전으로 핵막이 파열되는지 알아내지 못했다. M. Fanto 교수와 별개의 연구를 진행하던 본 연구진은 CREB3-CF 과발현이 핵막의 파열과 지놈의 유출을 유발하며, 세포가 사멸됨을 관찰하였다. 연구 과정에서 기존 학설인 “세포질세망에 국재하던 CREB3-FL가 골지체로 운송되고, 골지체에서 S1P/S2P 단백질분해효소에 의해 분절되어 생산된 CREB3-CF가 핵으로 이동 전사인자로 작용한다”과 다르게, 실제로는 CREB3-FL는 핵 내막에 존재하고, 크로마틴을 핵 내막에 속박하며, 이 결과로 핵 안에 빡빡하게 수납된 지놈의 팽창력에 반항하는 핵막의 속박력을 제공함을 관찰하였다. 하지만 DNA의 손상을 유도하는 외부 자극 등 핵막에 국재하던 CREB3-FL가 비특이적으로 분절되면, 핵막에 속박된 크로마틴이 핵막으로부터 분리되면서 핵막이 폭발하듯이 터지면서 핵 지놈의 유출과 함께 사멸이 이루어지는 실측영상(라이브 영상)을 촬영하는 데 성공하였다.