



최진성(Choi Jin-Sung) 프로필 이미지 학과장

최진성 교수

Choi Jin-Sung


해부생리학/병태생리학, 말초신경, 심장


신경생리학 전기생리학 유전성 통증 염증성 통증 부정맥 심독성


최진성 교수는 가톨릭대학교 약학대학 약학과 교수이다. 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 생리학교실에서 박사학위를 받았고 Cornell University에서 Postdoctoral Associate를 2년 마친 후 Yale University School of Medicine의 Dept. of Neurology 소속으로 Center for Neuroscience and Regeneration Research에서 Associate Research Scientist로서 Dr. Stephen Waxman과 함께 말초신경계에서 일어나는 여러가지 통증질환의 원인 및 기전을 연구하였다. Yale에 있는 동안 다양한 통증환자로부터 분리한 유전자를 분석하여 나트륨 통로 중 하나인 Nav1.7의 돌연변이들이 어떻게 통증을 일으키는지 그 기전을 처음으로 밝혀 Nature Reviews Neurology, Brain, Annals of Neurology, Molecular Pain등의 저명학술지에 다수의 논문을 발표하였으며, 가톨릭대학교 약학과로  온 이후에도 Yale대와 함께 염증성 통증의 기전과 진통제 개발을 위한 다양한 연구를 함께하고 있다. 최근에는 신약의 필수 비임상시험인 심독성을 검사하기위해 iPSC유래 심근세포를 이용한 연구를 서울성모병원 심장내과 연구진과 함께하고 있으며, AI 기술을 접목시키기위한 computer modeling을 연구하고 있다.
Dr. Jin Sung Choi is a professor in the Department of Pharmacy at the College of Pharmacy, Catholic University of Korea. He earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Physiology at the College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea, and after completing two years as a Postdoctoral Associate at Cornell University, he worked as an Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Neuroscience and Regeneration Research, affiliated with the Dept. of Neurology at Yale University School of Medicine, alongside Dr. Stephen Waxman. During his time at Yale, he researched the causes and mechanisms of various pain disorders in the peripheral nervous system. He was the first to analyze genes isolated from various pain patients and elucidate the mechanisms by which mutations in one of the sodium channels, Nav1.7, cause pain. His findings were published in prestigious academic journals, including Nature Reviews Neurology, Brain, Annals of Neurology, and Molecular Pain. Since joining the Department of Pharmacy at Catholic University, he has continued to collaborate with Yale on various research projects related to the mechanisms of inflammatory pain and the development of analgesics. Recently, he is conducting research using iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes to test cardiotoxicity, a mandatory non-clinical trial of new drugs, and is researching computer modeling to incorporate AI technology.


2001.02.22 | 가톨릭대학교 | 의과대학 | 이학박사


  • 2024.03 | 공동저자 | EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 제56권 3호, pp.686-699
    Dysregulated CREB3 cleavage at the nuclear membrane induces karyoptosis-mediated cell death
  • 2024.02 | 교신저자 | CELL REPORTS, 제43권 2호
    Compartment-specific regulation of Na<inf>V</inf>1.7 in sensory neurons after acute exposure to TNF-α
  • 2023.04 | 교신저자 | Molecular & Cellular Toxicology, 제19권 2호, pp.395-402
    Stable expression of human Nav1.5 for high-throughput cardiac safety assessment
  • 2023.03 | 교신저자 | BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, 제31권 2호, pp.168-175
    Tramadol as a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Blocker of Peripheral Sodium Channels Nav1.7 and Nav1.5
    Novel wiring of the AKT-RSK2 signaling pathway plays an essential role in cancer cell proliferation via a G<inf>1</inf>/S cell cycle transition
  • 2023.01 | 공동저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제46권 1호, pp.44-58
    MEKs/ERKs-mediated FBXO1/E2Fs interaction interference modulates G(1)/S cell cycle transition and cancer cell proliferation
  • 2023.01 | 교신저자 | MOLECULAR PAIN, 제19권
    Polysorbate 80 blocked a peripheral sodium channel, Na<sub>v</sub>1.7, and reduced neuronal excitability
  • 2022.12 | 제1저자 | MASS SPECTROMETRY LETTERS, 제13권 4호, pp.95-105
    Mass Spectrometry-Based Analytical Methods of Amatoxins in Biological Fluids to Monitor Amatoxin-Induced Mushroom Poisoning
  • 2022.01 | 공동저자 | EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 제54권 1호, pp.35-46
    FBXW7-mediated ERK3 degradation regulates the proliferation of lung cancer cells
    Kaempferol sensitizes cell proliferation inhibition in oxaliplatin-resistant colon cancer cells
  • 2021.11 | 공동저자 | NEUROREPORT, 제32권 16호, pp.1299-1306
    Effects of iloperidone on hERG 1A/3.1 heterotetrameric channels
  • 2021.01 | 제1저자 | NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 제741권
    Mini-review - Sodium channels and beyond in peripheral nerve disease: Modulation by cytokines and their effector protein kinases
  • 2020.11 | 공동저자 | The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, 제24권 6호, pp.545-553
    Open channel block of Kv1.4 potassium channels by aripiprazole
  • 2020.10 | 교신저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 제885권 0호, pp.173532-173532
    Norquetiapine blocks the human cardiac sodium channel Na(v)1.5 in a state-dependent manner
  • 2019.07 | 공동저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 제854권, pp.92-100
    Effects of cariprazine on hERG 1A and hERG 1A/3.1 potassium channels
  • 2018.10 | 교신저자 | Molecular & Cellular Toxicology, 제14권 4호, pp.409-416
    Differential use-dependent inactivation of Na(v)1.8 in the subpopulation of cultured dorsal root ganglion
  • 2018.01 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, 제233권 1호, pp.549-558
    Identification and characterization of site-specific N-glycosylation in the potassium channel Kv3.1b
  • 2018.01 | 공동저자 | NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 제664권 0호, pp.66-73
    Effects of norquetiapine, the active metabolite of quetiapine, on cloned hERG potassium channels
  • 2017.12 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, 제232권 12호, pp.3384-3395
    Purification of small molecule-induced cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells using a reporter system
  • 2017.10 | 공동저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제7권
    Activation of intestinal olfactory receptor stimulates glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion in enteroendocrine cells and attenuates hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetic mice
  • 2017.06 | 공동저자 | NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY, 제390권 6호, pp.633-642
    Inhibition of cloned hERG potassium channels by risperidone and paliperidone
  • 2017.02 | 교신저자 | NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 제639권, pp.1-7
    Mechanism of inhibition by chlorpromazine of the human pain threshold sodium channel, Na<inf>v</inf>1.7
  • 2017.02 | 공동저자 | PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR, 제153권, pp.116-129
    HYP-17, a novel voltage-gated sodium channel blocker, relieves inflammatory and neuropathic pain in rats
  • 2017.01 | 공동저자 | KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY, 제21권 1호, pp.75-82
    Acepromazine inhibits hERG potassium ion channels expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells
  • 2016.07 | 공동저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제6권
    Cardiac glycosides display selective efficacy for STK11 mutant lung cancer
  • 2016.10 | 교신저자 | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 제479권 3호, pp.584-589
    Trifluoperazine blocks the human cardiac sodium channel, Na(v)1.5, independent of calmodulin
  • 2015.10 | 공동저자 | NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 제609권 0호, pp.97-102
    Mechanism of inhibition by olanzapine of cloned hERG potassium channels
  • 2015.04 | 공동저자 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 제752권 1호, pp.1-7
    Endoxifen, the active metabolite of tamoxifen, inhibits cloned hERG potassium channels
  • 2015.02 | 공동저자 | BRAIN RESEARCH, 제1597권, pp.77-85
    Effects of donepezil on hERG potassium channels
  • 2014.08 | 공동저자 | NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 제578권 0호, pp.159-164
    Block of Kv4.3 potassium channel by trifluoperazine independent of CaMKII
  • 2014.01 | 공동저자 | NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY, 제387권 1호, pp.23-32
    Escitalopram block of hERG potassium channels
  • 2014.01 | 공동저자 | FEBS LETTERS, 제588권 1호, pp.86-91
    Src regulates membrane trafficking of the Kv3.1b channel
  • 2013.08 | 공동저자 | NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY, 제386권 8호, pp.711-719
    Inhibition of Kv4.3 potassium channels by trazodone
  • 2013.03 | 공동저자 | BRAIN RESEARCH, 제1500권 2013호, pp.10-18
    Effects of fluoxetine on cloned Kv4.3 potassium channels
  • 2012.11 | 공동저자 | PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR, 제103권 1호, pp.33-42
    HYP-1, a novel diamide compound, relieves inflammatory and neuropathic pain in rats
  • 2012.01 | 공동저자 | ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, 제71권 1호, pp.26-39
    Gain of function NaV1.7 mutations in idiopathic small fiber neuropathy
  • 2012.07 | 제1저자 | BRAIN RESEARCH, 제1466권 2012호, pp.15-23
    Duloxetine blocks cloned Kv4.3 potassium channels
  • 2011.12 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, 제339권 3호, pp.952-958
    Effects of Ranolazine on Cloned Cardiac Kv4.3 Potassium Channels
  • 2011.12 | 제1저자 | MOLECULAR PAIN, 제0권 0호, pp.92-92
    Intra- and interfamily phenotypic diversity in pain syndromes associated with a gain-of-function variant of NaV1.7
  • 2011.11 | 공동저자 | PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 제101권 3호, pp.256-264
    Coexpression with auxiliary beta subunits modulates the action of tefluthrin on rat Na(v)1.6 and Na(v)1.3 sodium channels
  • 2011.12 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 제106권 6호, pp.3173-3184
    Physiological interactions between NAv1.7 and NAv1.8 sodium channels: A computer simulation study
  • 2011.01 | 제1저자 | NATURE REVIEWS NEUROLOGY, 제7권 1호, pp.51-55
    Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder: a molecular lesion of peripheral neurons
  • 2010.06 | 제1저자 | BRAIN, 제133권, pp.1823-1835
    Alternative splicing may contribute to time-dependent manifestation of inherited erythromelalgia
  • 2010.06 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 제588권 11호, pp.1915-1927
    Can robots patch-clamp as well as humans? Characterization of a novel sodium channel mutation
  • 2010.02 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 제30권 5호, pp.1637-1647
    ERK1/2 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphorylates Sodium Channel Na(v)1.7 and Alters Its Gating Properties
  • 2019.05 | 공동 | 범문에듀케이션
    병태생리학 : 요약집
  • 2017.03 | 공동 | 범문에듀케이션
  • 2016.04 | 공동 | 신일서적
    (리핀코트의 그림으로 보는) 루빈의 병리학 Q&A
  • 2016.04 | 공동 | 신일서적
    (리핀코트의 그림으로 보는) 루빈의 병리학 Q&A
  • 2014.08 | 공동 | 군자출판사
    병태생리학 요약집
  • 2019.11.19 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    Nav1.5를 안정적으로 발현하는 세포주 및 이를 이용한 약물 스크리닝 방법
  • 2018.05.08 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    Nav1.5를 안정적으로 발현하는 세포주 및 이를 이용한 약물 스크리닝 방법(Stable cell line expressing Nav1.5 and methods for screening therapeutic agents using the cell line)
  • 2014.08.14 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    다폭세틴을 유효성분으로 포함하는 유전적 통증 치료용 약학 조성물