



오의철(Oh Euichaul) 프로필 이미지

오의철 교수

Oh Euichaul


신약개발 약제학/제제·공정 개발/약물전달시스템 개발/의약품 제조·품질관리


신약 개발가능성 제제화 다기능지능형 DDS 설계기반품질


- 가톨릭대학교 약학대학 교수 (약제학) 재직 (2010-현재)
- STH Pharm 대표
- SK 케미칼 생명과학연구소 신약연구실장 (상무이사)
- 건일제약㈜ 제약 R&D 본부장 (전무이사)
- 미국 Teva사 수석연구원 겸 Drug Product Development 그룹장
- Astellas 미국 Pharmaceutical Development 선임연구원 겸 팀장
- 글로벌 신물질 신약개발 6건 제제 및 제품화 주도 참여
- 개량신약 및 전문의약품 62건 제품화 주도, 제약기술 33건 개발 책임
- Corresponding and Co-authors in 230 Scientific Papers, Book Chapters and Patents
- 미국 Rho Chi Pharmaceutical Honor Society 회원
- 한국약제학회장, 한국에프디시법제학회 부회장, 한국신약개발연구조합 자문교수 역임/재임
- 국가과학기술심의위원회 위원, 기획재정부 국고보조사업 평가위원, 미래창조과학부 바이오의료기술개발 위원, 산업통상자원부 글로벌개량신약개발사업 운영위원장, 식품의약품안전처 식품의약품안전기술위원회, 의약품신속심사자문단, 의약품심사자문단, 초기임상 시험심사자문단, 중앙약사심의위원, DUR위원 역임/재임	
Euichaul Oh, Ph.D., is currently a Professor of Pharmaceutics in the College of Pharmacy at the Catholic University of Korea since 2010. Prof. Oh received his B.S. in Pharmacy and M.S. in Physical Pharmacy from Seoul National University and his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from the University of Iowa. After joining the U.S. pharmaceutical industry in 1999, he worked as a Team Leader Scientist for Astellas and then worked as a Group Leader Scientist for Teva being involved in many R&D projects for pharmaceutical development of new drug entities and drug delivery technologies. After moving to Korean pharmaceutical industry in 2006, Dr. Oh was leading pharmaceutical R&D as Senior Vice President at Kuhnil Pharm, heading new drug development as CSO at SK Chemicals, and responsible for overall functions of drug development as CEO at STH Pharm. He was actively involved in the commercialization of six global new drug development, and was responsible for the product development of 62 new prescription drugs and the development of 33 pharmaceutical technologies. He has authored and co-authored more than 230 peer-reviewed scientific papers, book chapters and patents in pharmaceutical and DDS development. Prof. Oh served as President for the Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology as well as is currently a member of the Rho Chi Pharmaceutical Honor Society in the USA. 


1996.07.26 | 아이오와 대학교 | 약학대학 | 약학박사(약제학)


  • 2019.03 | 공동저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제11권 3호
    Investigation of Crystallization and Salt Formation of Poorly Water-Soluble Telmisartan for Enhanced Solubility
  • 2019.02 | 제1저자 | PHARMACEUTICS, 제11권 2호
    Multivariate Statistical Optimization of Tablet Formulations Incorporating High Doses of a Dry Herbal Extract
  • 2018.08 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 제46권, pp.365-377
    pH-independent controlled release tablets containing nanonizing valsartan solid dispersions for less variable bioavailability in humans
  • 2018.07 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 제107권 7호, pp.1886-1895
    Mesoporous Pravastatin Solid Dispersion Granules Incorporable Into Orally Disintegrating Tablets
  • 2018.02 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 제43권, pp.477-486
    Reprecipitation of poorly water-soluble cilostazol crystals using adsorbing carriers for enhanced dissolution and physicochemical modification
  • 2018.02 | 공동저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, 제40권 1호, pp.160-168
    Effects of cilostazol and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockers on the renal disease progression of Korean patients: a retrospective cohort study.
  • 2018.01 | 공동저자 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 제48권 1호, pp.77-87
    Cell-penetrating peptide-based non-invasive topical delivery systems
  • 2017.05 | 공동저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, 제523권 1호, pp.343-356
    Design of fixed dose combination and physicochemical characterization of enteric-coated bilayer tablet with circadian rhythmic variations containing telmisartan and pravastatin sodium
  • 2017.03 | 공동저자 | MOLECULES, 제22권 3호
    Consecutive One-Pot versus Domino Multicomponent Approaches to 3-(Diarylmethylene)oxindoles
  • 2017.03 | 공동저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제40권 3호, pp.391-402
    Amelioration of high fat diet-induced nephropathy by cilostazol and rosuvastatin
  • 2016.12 | 교신저자 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 제46권 7호, pp.615-631
    Rationale and strategies for formulation development of oral fixed dose combination drug products
  • 2016.10 | 공동저자 | DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY, 제10권 1호, pp.2959-2972
    Application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling in predicting drug-drug interactions for sarpogrelate hydrochloride in humans
  • 2016.10 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 제35권, pp.146-154
    Improving the dissolution rate of a poorly water-soluble drug via adsorption onto pharmaceutical diluents
  • 2016.10 | 공동저자 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 제46권 6호, pp.583-592
    Employing an optimized spray-drying process to produce ezetimibe tablets with an improved dissolution profile
  • 2016.10 | 공동저자 | THERAPEUTICS AND CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT, 제12권 1호, pp.1533-1543
    Impact of statins on risk of new onset diabetes mellitus: a population-based cohort study using the Korean National Health Insurance claims database.
  • 2016.09 | 공동저자 | TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 제259권 1호, pp.1-10
    In vitro stereoselective inhibition of ginsenosides toward UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoforms
  • 2016.08 | 공동저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, 제510권 1호, pp.42-47
    Effect of biomimetic shear stress on intracellular uptake and cell-killing efficiency of doxorubicin in a free and liposomal formulation
  • 2016.05 | 교신저자 | BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 제80권, pp.162-172
    Improved tumor targeting and antitumor activity of camptothecin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles by preinjection of blank solid lipid nanoparticles
  • 2016.04 | 공동저자 | PLOS ONE, 제11권 4호
    Beneficial effects of sarpogrelate and rosuvastatin in high fat diet/streptozotocin-induced nephropathy in mice
  • 2016.03 | 공동저자 | PLOS ONE, 제11권 3호, pp.0-0
    Pravastatin and Sarpogrelate Synergistically Ameliorate Atherosclerosis in LDLr-Knockout Mice
  • 2016.03 | 공동저자 | PLOS ONE, 제11권 3호, pp.0150474-0150474
    Antiplatelet Therapy of Cilostazol or Sarpogrelate with Aspirin and Clopidogrel after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using the Korean National Health Insurance Claim Database.
  • 2015.09 | 교신저자 | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 제276권, pp.232-239
    Crosslinked chitosan coating on magnetic mesoporous silica with pre-adsorbed carbonic anhydrase for carbon dioxide conversion
  • 2015.08 | 공동저자 | BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 제74권, pp.133-137
    Exacerbation of tumor necrosis factor-induced vascular leak syndrome by aging
  • 2015.07 | 교신저자 | DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY, 제9권 0호, pp.3961-3968
    Improved oral absorption of cilostazol via sulfonate salt formation with mesylate and besylate
  • 2015.05 | 교신저자 | CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS, 제11권, pp.98-103
    Effect of Sodium Taurocholate on Omeprazole Buccal Adhesive Tablet: Physicochemical Characterization and Pharmacokinetics in Hamster
  • 2015.03 | 공동저자 | BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 제70권, pp.213-216
    Induction of vascular leak syndrome by tumor necrosis factor-alpha alone
  • 2015.03 | 교신저자 | POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 제272권, pp.269-275
    Micromeritic properties and instrumental analysis of physical mixtures and solid dispersions with adsorbent containing losartan: Comparison of dissolution-differentiating factors
  • 2015.03 | 공동저자 | XENOBIOTICA, 제45권 3호, pp.256-263
    Effect of the potent CYP2D6 inhibitor sarpogrelate on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of metoprolol in healthy male Korean volunteers
    New method and characterization of self-assembled gelatin-oleic nanoparticles using a desolvation method via carbodiimide/N-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) reaction
  • 2015.01 | 공동저자 | TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 제232권 2호, pp.458-465
    In vitro selective inhibition of human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A4 by finasteride, and prediction of in vivo drug-drug interactions
  • 2015.01 | 교신저자 | BIOPHARMACEUTICS & DRUG DISPOSITION, 제36권 1호, pp.1-14
    Pharmacokinetic changes of drugs in a rat model of liver cirrhosis induced by dimethylnitrosamine, alone and in combination with diabetes mellitus induced by streptozotocin
  • 2015.01 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE, 제38권 1호, pp.42-49
    Simultaneous determination of sarpogrelate and its active metabolite in human plasma by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study
  • 2014.12 | 공동저자 | XENOBIOTICA, 제44권 12호, pp.1099-1107
    Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of ginsenoside Rh2 and Rg3 epimers after oral administration of BST204, a purified ginseng dry extract, in rats
  • 2014.10 | 교신저자 | BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 제68권 8호, pp.1117-1124
    Coated dextrin microcapsules of amlodipine incorporable into orally disintegrating tablets for geriatric patients
  • 2014.09 | 공동저자 | ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, 제58권 9호, pp.5036-5046
    Metabolic drug-drug interaction potential of macrolactin a and 7-O-succinyl macrolactin a assessed by evaluating cytochrome P450 inhibition and induction and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase inhibition in Vitro
  • 2014.06 | 공동저자 | FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, 제68권, pp.117-127
    Evaluation of the in vitro/in vivo drug interaction potential of BST204, a purified dry extract of ginseng, and its foUr bioactive ginsenosides through cytochrome P450 inhibition/induction and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase inhibition
  • 2014.05 | 교신저자 | CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS, 제10권 2호, pp.97-104
    Validation of a highly sensitive RP-HPLC method for quantification of fenofibrate in pure and pharmaceutical dosage forms
    A methodological approach for the biomechanical cause analysis of golf-related lumbar spine injuries
  • 2014.04 | 단독 | 팜텍, 제7권 2호, pp.15-24
    의약품 개발과 설계기반품질(Qbd) (2): 실행
  • 2014.02 | 교신저자 | BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ONLINE, 제13권
    Kinematic evaluation of movement smoothness in golf: relationship between the normalized jerk cost of body joints and the clubhead
  • 2014.02 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 제2권 6호, pp.616-619
    Polymer-coated spherical mesoporous silica for pH-controlled delivery of insulin
  • 2014.01 | 교신저자 | BIO-MEDICAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 제24권 1호, pp.571-579
    Enhanced oral bioavailability and controlled release of dutasteride by a novel dry elixir
  • 2014.01 | 교신저자 | BIO-MEDICAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 제24권 1호, pp.413-429
    Improved bioavailability and antiasthmatic efficacy of poorly soluble curcumin-solid dispersion granules obtained using fluid bed granulation
  • 2014.01 | 교신저자 | BIO-MEDICAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 제24권 1호, pp.917-930
    Enhanced oral bioavailability and antiasthmatic efficacy of curcumin using redispersible dry emulsion
  • 2014.01 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 제66권, pp.2-13
    Pharmacokinetics of drugs in mutant Nagase analbuminemic rats and responses to select diuretics
  • 2014.01 | 교신저자 | XENOBIOTICA, 제44권, pp.77-88
    Pharmacokinetics of drugs in spontaneously or secondary hypertensive rats
  • 2013.10 | 교신저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, 제455권 1-2호, pp.31-39
    In vitro and in vivo correlation of disintegration and bitter taste masking using orally disintegrating tablet containing ion exchange resin-drug complex
  • 2013.07 | 교신저자 | DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY, 제39권, pp.1133-1141
    Formulation and optimization of spray-dried amlodipine solid dispersion for enhanced oral absorption
  • 2013.07 | 단독 | 팜텍, 제6권 3호, pp.23-30
    의약품 개발과 설계기반품질 (Quality by Design) (1) QbD 도입배경 및 개념
  • 2012.03 | 공동저자 | XENOBIOTICA, 제42권 3호, pp.310-315
    epsilon-Acetamidocaproic acid pharmacokinetics in rats with gastric ulcer or small bowel inflammation
  • 2011.05 | 교신저자 | XENOBIOTICA, 제41권 5호, pp.409-415
    Pharmacokinetic interaction between ε-acetamidocaproic acid (AACA) and cimetidine in indomethacin-induced acute gastric ulcer and control rats: Inhibition of active renal secretion of AACA by cimetidine
  • 2010.09 | 교신저자 | ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH, 제33권, pp.1375-1387
    Formulation and Evaluation of an Alternative Triglyceride-free Propofol Microemulsion
  • 2014.12 | 공동 | 신일북스
    의약품 제형 : 정제 : 제3판. 제1권-제3권
  • 2014.12 | 공동 | 신일북스
    의약품 제형: 정제 제2권 합리적인 설계와 처방화
  • 2014.06 | 공동 | 신일북스
  • 2013.02 | 공동 | 신일북스
  • 2013.02 | 공동 | 신일북스
    (마틴의) 물리약학
  • 2018.12.27 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    프라바스타틴(pravastatin) 및 항혈소판제를 유효성분으로 함유하는 신장 질환 예방 또는 치료용 조성물
  • 2018.11.14 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    고정용량의 실로스타졸과 안지오텐신 수용체 차단제를 포함하는 1일 1회 경구복용 복합 이층정제 및 이의 제조방법(Once-daily fixed-dose combination bilayer tablet comprising cilostazol and angiotensin receptor blockers and manufacturing method thereof)
  • 2018.11.14 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    고정용량의 실로스타졸 서방출 및 스타틴 일반방출 미니정제를 포함하는 1일 1회 경구복용 복합 캡슐제 및 이의 제조방법(Once-daily fixed-dose combination capsule formulations comprising sustained release cilostazol and immediate release statin minitablets and preparation method thereof)
  • 2018.09.18 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    메조세공성 고체분산 과립 및 이의 제조방법(Mesoporous solid dispersion granules and method thereof)
  • 2018.04.13 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    경구용 서방출 젤리제제 및 이의 제조방법(Oral jelly formulation for extended release and preparation thereof)
  • 2018.03.23 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    고정용량의 실로스타졸과 클로피도그렐을 포함하는 1일 1회 경구복용 이층정제 및 이의 제조방법(Formulation composition of once-daily fixed-dose combination bilayer tablets of cilostazol and clopidogrel and manufacturing method thereof)
  • 2018.01.24 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    신규한 실로스타졸 염 화합물 및 이의 용도(Novel cilostazol salt compound and use thereof)
  • 2016.01.06 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단
    암로디핀 경구 붕해형 정제용 조성물 및 이의 제조방법(Composition for orally disintegrating tablets comprising amlodipine and manufacturing method thereof)
  • 2014.11.28 | 주발명자 | 가톨릭대학교 산학협력단,재단법인 한국한방산업진흥원,명지대학교 산학협력단
    창이자 포함 복합생약 추출물을 함유하는 염증질환 또는 알레르기 질환의 치료 및 예방용 조성물(Composition comprising an extract of combined crude drug including Xanthium strumarium L. for preventing and treating inflammatory disease or allergic disease)
  • 2018.11.05 | 주발명자 | 이니스트바이오제약
    “실로스타졸과 프라바스타틴을 포함하는 1일 1회 경구복용 고형 복합제 개발”의 기술이전 건
  • 2018.11.05 | 주발명자 | 이니스트바이오제약
    “실로스타졸과 로자르탄을 포함하는 1일 1회 경구복용 고형 복합제 개발”의 기술이전 건